Wednesday, June 8, 2011

#73, June 8, 2011

One disadvantage of Sean's living in the house with us is that we sometimes don't notice that he's making progress until someone else brings it to our attention. Since January Sean has been spending more and more time on the computer. First he was only playing computer games. Then he remembered that he had e-mail accounts and began going on-line. He now is looking for Hummers - specifically red ones, like the H3 he used to have. We have received phone calls from Ohio and Washington state from dealers and sellers in reply to inquiries that Sean has put out. When we explain Sean's situation, almost all of the time people are very understanding. One private seller was not very gracious, but that's life.
He has been to Denver's Veterans' Hospital twice for routine visits, and goes to the local VA center for blood work. Tomorrow we'll talk to a counselor to find out whether he should have a higher disability rating from the military, since the clots happened so soon after he and the Air Force parted ways. Thanks to all of your prayers and good wishes about Sean. We really appreciate them, more than you can imagine.

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