Saturday, July 11, 2009

#47 Update, July 11th

Sean has improved a lot this week with the new physical therapist. They have been working on the strength in is right hand, right arm and shoulder especially. He is able to pull up his socks, put on his shoe and needs help to tie them but he has come a long way. He is working on dressing himself which is a nice step to see him make. It will still be a little while until he can completely feed himself, that will come with strengthening his hands and arms. He is talking more in sentences instead of just yes and no which is encouraging. His memory is coming back bit by bit. Thank you to those of you that have sent him cards, he looks at them and I think it helps to stimulate his brain to remember who you are and how he knows you. This week is the first week he has looked at his scars with any interest. We have talked about them several times and may talk about them even more but that is ok. He has the long vertical one from the heart surgery with 2 small circles where the drain tubes came out then the stomach tube circle and the horizontal scar on his left side from when they took the fluid off the back of his heart and the circle below it from the drain. Everyday he gets stronger slow but sure.

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